That’s right, be happy/sad that you have likely wasted more
money on a certification test that made you feel frustration, rage, and righteous indignation. At least the
Regents have been listening to the chorus of protests from all corners of the
state, and it seems there is likely to be some more wiggle room coming our way
on the edTPA.
Meanwhile, lost in all the crazy news coming from Washington
DC, is the move by Congress to undo much of the ESSA (see New York Times story here).
The teacher preparation regulations are gone, and AACTE seems pretty happy about that. Once the new law is signed by you-know-who, it’s
likely to create confusion at the state level because, in Chris Minnich’s words
quoted in the Times, “the states are planning and doing stuff.” Disruption,
chaos, all against a backdrop of the depressing testing season, declining
enrollments in teacher preparation programs, rising class sizes, you name it.
But I have to leave you on a happy note. Listen to this magnificent rendition of You Raise Me Up with the
amazing PS22 Chorus and Celtic Woman and have a happy Saint Patrick’s Day.